Short Stories
These short stories have been collecting dust for over a decade so despite the writing being a bit dated I figured someone still might enjoy them.

(contains adult themes)
The bloody remains of her prized ewe lay strewn across the paddock.
It was the third attack this week and being alone in such a remote land, she had never felt more against the wall. The younger, spritelier version of Josie Hendricks, a mere four years ago, would be a distant comparison to the same woman now…READ MORE

(contains adult & horror themes)
The winter sun threw its final beams of light from beneath the horizon as the crisp evening air began to set in. Joyously, she hopped up and down the gutter, innocently making her way along the street. Little Annie Fletcher, a shining pebble among a ton of coal, was a pretty girl hidden beneath a pauper exterior.

(contains adult & horror themes)
The disappearance of Eliza Matthews had been a burden for the small mining town of Prospect Hill for nearly ten years. A spritely girl of six, she was the youngest in a group of children playing an innocent game of hide and seek in a forest behind the town’s church.
“One two three, can’t escape from me.” …READ MORE

Sitting in the theatre wings, waiting for his number to be called, was close to the most terrifying feeling Kaylan had endured. The treasured cello between his knees his only source of comfort.
‘Didn’t I tell you they’ll take points off if you slouch like that?’ his mother whined as she straightened his bright red bow tie. ‘I only nag because I want what’s best for you honey.’ …READ MORE

I came back. I have often found myself wondering why. Like most young adults you can’t wait to escape, embark on adventures to seek fortunes and generally find your place in the world – and as a restless soul I was certainly keen to leave my home.
Raised in the suburban areas of the Fleurieu Peninsula, I was never aware this overarching region held its own identity until I returned…READ MORE